Teacher Trainings
& In-Depth Studies

Develop the knowledge and skills to support your own supple & strong pelvic floor.
Provide guidance for your clients towards their own pelvic wellness.
Move better, feel better.

Understanding The Pelvic Floor & Deep Core Function for Female Health
Yoga Teacher CE Training & In-Depth Studies
A weekend training immersion for yoga teachers, movement professionals, and dedicated students.​
March 22nd & 23rd
Haddonfield, NJ

EARLY REGISTRATION DISCOUNT: Register by March 2nd and receive $50 off the training. Use promo code: EARLYPF
A healthy pelvic floor is essential.

The pelvic floor plays a role in everything we do.
Functional Movement (lifting, walking, jumping, etc)
Intentional Movement (yoga, cardio, strength-training, etc)
Bladder & Bowel Function
Sexual Pleasure​
and more
Pelvic floor dysfunction impacts a person's life on a daily basis.
Common symptoms include:
Pelvic Pressure
Hip/Back Pain
Diastasis Recti
Digestive Issues
Painful/Uncomfortable Intercourse
A pelvic wellness movement practice improves one's overall health & well-being.
Pelvic floor dysfunction can be life altering, which impacts a person's quality of life. Pelvic floor education & awareness can make a profound difference. It can improve the choices a person makes on a daily basis, improve fitness goals, and ignite a fire with sexual pleasure that may have gone dim.
What You Will Learn
Designed for yoga teachers, movement professionals, and dedicated students who are seeking a greater understanding of pelvic floor function and want to develop a holistic movement practice and instructional skills to support female pelvic health. This training focuses on female pelvic anatomy.

Anatomy & Physiology
Common Disorders & Imbalances
The Function of Deep Core
Postural Patterns
Muscular Compensation Patterns
Pregnancy, Postpartum & Peri/Menopause Changes
Mind-Body-Emotional Connection

Breathing Mechanics
Pelvic & Postural Alignment
Yoga for Pelvic Wellness
Yoga for Specific Pelvic Floor & Core Imbalances
Functional Movement Application
Chakras & Bandhas
A Holistic Approach to Pelvic Health

Develop a Yoga Practice for Female Pelvic Wellness
Teacher Instruction & Skill Building
Student Observation & Skill Building for Personalized Instruction
Informed Modifications / Alternatives
Class Theme Weaving

Training Schedule:
In-Person Training Dates:
Saturday, March 22nd 11am-5pm
Sunday, March 23rd 10am-4pm​
Remedy: Body & Breath-Work
120 N. Haddon Ave
Haddonfield NJ
You will receive supplementary training videos 1- 2 weeks prior to training dates. This portion is self paced and it is recommended to view the videos at least a few days prior to the start of in-person training dates. This training also includes the option for participants to submit a teaching video (after live training) for review and feedback.

Understanding The Pelvic Floor & Deep Core Function
Yoga CE Teacher Training & In-Depth Studies
Training includes:
Supplemental Training Videos
Training Manual
In-Person Weekend Training
Class Submission & Review
Certification & Yoga Alliance CEU's
Training is approved by Yoga Alliance for 20 YACEP credits for registered yoga teachers.
EARLY REGISTRATION DISCOUNT: Register by March 2nd and receive $50 off the training. Use promo code: EARLYPF

"Yoga is not just doing some exercise; it is much more. It is to expand your awareness, sharpen your intellect, and enhance your intuitive ability."
30 Hr Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training
May 1st - 8th 2025
Virtual & In-Person (Haddonfield, NJ)
Pregnancy is a transformational time in a person's life. As a prenatal yoga teacher, you are a guide that helps others to develop their innate skills of body wisdom and intuition. You are an inspirational presence that fosters a supportive community through mind-body wellness and birth education.
During this training, you will gain the knowledge and confidence to safely guide pregnant people through the beautiful and healing gifts of yoga.
This training is open to:
Yoga Instructors
Fitness Instructors & Personal Trainers
Birth Professionals
Anyone that wants to deepen their knowledge in Prenatal Yoga​​​

30 Hr Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training
What You Will Learn
PYTT Schedule
5/1 -Thursday 6-9pm (virtual)
5/3 - Saturday 11am-5pm (in-person)
5/4 - Sunday 10am-5pm (in-person)
5/7 - Wednesday 6pm-9pm (virtual)
5/8 - Thursday 6pm-9pm (virtual)
Additional Hours:
Two Class Observations
Submission of Class Plan & Video
Optional 1 hour Mentorship Consultation
Completed by: to receive certification
*PLEASE NOTE: This training does not provide RPYT level although the course provides continuing education credits and certification for RYT & E-RYT to teach prenatal yoga.

Prenatal Yoga
Teacher Training
Training includes:
Supplemental Training Videos
Training Manual
In-Person & Virtual Training
Class Submission & Review
Training is approved by Yoga Alliance for 30 YACEP credits for registered yoga teachers.
Register by April 7th and receive $50 off discount!
Use code: EARLYPRENATAL at checkout.

Online Booking
Loading days...
1 hr
20 US dollarsLoading days...
1 hr
15 US dollarsLoading days...
75 US dollarsLoading days...
1 hr 15 min
25 US dollars1 hr
120 US dollars45 min
75 US dollarsLoading days...
225 US dollarsStarts Mar 22
375 US dollarsLoading availability...
Loading availability...
Starts May 1
595 US dollarsLoading availability...
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